Use a monkey card to own a face-down card from the center pile. The treasure card will be transferred to your treasure zone in a face-down position. The monkey card is discarded after owning the treasure.
Use a monkey card to flip a face-down card in your own treasure zone. The monkey card is discarded after digging the treasure.
Use monkeys to protect your treasures from raids. Place a monkey card on top of a treasure card inside your own treasure zone.
A certain protecting monkey card may only be discarded if a raiding monkey card is equal or higher to the level of the protecting monkey card. It is also applicable vice-versa.
For example, a raiding level-1 monkey card will discard a protecting level-1 monkey card, while a raiding level-3 monkey card cannot discard a protecting level-4 monkey card.
There are no limits to the number of protecting monkey cards.
Attack other player's treasure by placing a monkey in their treasure zone. There should be two monkey cards to force-discard a treasure card from a player's treasure zone.
For example, a player raided another player with a level-1 monkey card. Another player raided the same treasure using a level-3 monkey card. The treasure card will now be discarded.
A level-3 monkey card alone cannot force-discard a treasure card. There should be two monkey cards.
Dominate your opponents by placing empty treasures and traps in the center pile. Exercise your treasure-hunting competitiveness by using event cards to benefit your search for the sweet banana glory. Win by using monkey-powered moves to become the ultimate treasure hunter
Bury the Unknown
Burying cards in the center pile is also a threat that can be use as a leverage to win more treasures. Bluff your opponents so that they may leave your buried cards alone.
Utilize the Circumstance
Using the event cards like monkey robber, binoculars, poison, and map confusion places players in an advantage. Using them in the right timing is also an advantage.